At the beginning of this course, EDUC 6713, I was introduced to GAME Plan, at first I had no understanding of what a game plan entailed, however after reading our required text, and resources, I had a better understanding of this process. As required by our course, I investigated the NETS-T standards, and chose two areas in which I wanted to become stronger in as an educator. I choose the following areas; Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Students Learning and Creativity, with an emphasis on indicator b, “engaging students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources,” and Standards 2: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments, with an emphasis on indicator c, “customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources,” (NETS-T, 2012). As I am nearing the final stages of this course I can say that this process has indeed been a blessing to my teaching. Even though this was a tedious process, and at times I was faced with issues, I was able to see the benefit of using the GAME Plan in my teaching.
The GAME Plan allowed me to implement more real-world issues and allowed for authentic problem solving with the aid of technology tools. As I introduced Linear equations to my Algebra classes, I was able to implement a few problem-based assignment, at first I was rather skeptical because this was a new task for both my students and myself. Little did I know that they would embrace this opportunity to think critically and creatively especially when I added the use of technology tools.
At the beginning of this school year, I was entrusted with a student that had many titles behind his name such as EBD, ADHD, and Autism. Being enrolled in this course allowed me the chance to look beyond his disabilities, and offer him an education that surpassed what he was accustomed to. I was able to find technology resources which catered to his needs, such as instructional videos and note taking tools. Not only was I able to assist this student, but I was also able to aid the other students by offering them an opportunity to use computer-based tutorials, which sparked their interest in the content area, and also allowed me to see learning gains.
Utilizing my GAME Plan allowed me to see that anything is possible inside the math classroom as long as I put time and effort into developing the lesson and implementing it. I must also realize that I will face obstacles, but I must overcome them in order to become a better teacher. Due to this course, I see more engaging problem-based instruction taking place in my classroom.
Due to what I have learned in this course I will definitely be adjusting my Algebra 1 and 2 curriculums. I will not only implement more authentic real-world instructions, but I will also be pushing my students into becoming self-directed learners. The only way my students will be able to compete in the workforce of the future is if they become self-directed learners. I also see the benefits of attaching a technology component to these lessons. Integrating the use of technology tools, take the lesson to a new level, by engaging the students in learning. I will be using more peer collaboration via blogs, and Edmodo, giving students an ability to interact with their peers outside of the classroom. By using digital storytelling, voicethreads, and Podcast, my students can develop “How To” media presentations, which will not only benefit them, but also those students who will take this course after. By implementing these tools into my classroom, my students will be able to use them in their other classes since they all can be used across the content areas.
International Society for Technology in
Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T).
Retrieved September 10, 2012, from:
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